We conclude our series on generosity with “Generous with Our Finances,” where we will focus on money. It can be awkward to talk about money. But the Bible talks about money a lot. Why is that? And what is the key to being generous with the financial gifts God has given us?
11272024 Thanksgiving Eve Worship - How Much Is Enough?
Pastor Chuck Bahn
How much is enough? Well that depends. What are we talking about here? Is it money, food, friends, family, time, vacation, etc.? I guess that depends on what it takes with any of these things, and many others, to fill us up? When we are filled up, it is easier to give thanks. THANKSGIVING SCRIPTURE READINGS * Old Testament: Deuteronomy 8:1-10 Epistle: Philippians 4:6-7 Gospel : Luke 17:11-19